December 30, 2009

Fresh New Ride.

This is my fresh new ride,

It's got power saving energy efficient headlights.

A nice characterized roof, and a windsheild so clear you'd swear there wasn't one there,

Some nice new wiring and whatnot has been put into the car,

New upholstery as well.

The doors are a little sticky but I think I'll manage.

And lastly, some new tires with some hot rims to put on there..

Adventure Hike.

A tiny little marsh, the water was so still it was rediculous.

Natural love.

The last of the colony on its devistated land.

Foggy weather

Still water


Breakfast for Two.

A little chai tea for Cody and I

And a love letter to top it off.

Christmas Dinner.

     My brother and I had the pleasure of creating Christmas dinner this year, which was just going to be a table full of orderves so these are what we came up with.

Smoked salmon, smoked tuna, pickles and some different cream cheese spreads that you could put on your fish.

The table when most of the trays were out.

Bread bowl.

Dessert tray. Homemade truffles by my brother, mom's homemade banana bread, Cody and I made coconut macaroons and those little peanut butter creatures, and my dad made little butter tarts.

Christmas Cooking

Harry Potter Mouse.


The failure of an Ox creation.

Gingerbread House

     So I haven't posted in a while, but for the season Cody and I made ourselves a gingerbread house, consisting of a pirate, a ginger gingerbread, and even a minty little hamburger in the front yard.

December 06, 2009

The Window Sill

     I don't have much to say other than I wish I had a macro lens. These are all sort of glass ornaments that are on the window sill of a friends house and I decided to try a few photos of them while everyone was still asleep so I wouldn't feel like a creep. I'm thinking that the first one and the green pear shaped glass are my favorites.

The Boat Edit

Original Vs. Edit

     I decided not to crop this photo only because I don't mind the frame of the photo. Basically I went into my photoshop CS3 (wayyyy better than CS4, don't even try to go for CS4 because it's balls in comparason) and I went into image; adjustments; black and white (or alt shift ctrl B) and this allows you to put a tint on the photo and chose the saturation of the colours found in the photo, so I brought blues and greens way down, as well as yellows. Magentas, cyans, and reds were brought up slightly. Finally I put a brown tint over top of the photo.
     Not a big task it took about 30 seconds, but I like how it changes the photo.

November 28, 2009


     The last photo happens to be my favorite, but the second last is also a favorite. This was fooling around with settings on my camera such as 'Autumn colors' and 'Macro' and focus.


     These photographs are of Trent river falls, a beautiful place. Basically I had just got my new camera and I was pretty excited to get a few pictures of the falls with slow aperature because it had always been my favorite kind of photos. Too bad the falls don't look as interesting as some waterfalls do, and getting in the water to get closer would've been a rediculous idea since the dam had just been let out soo... That was definently not going to happen. These were my favorites, they're not the best and I know I need a tripod but I tried my best right?

November 26, 2009

EMILY - Unnatural

     These photos were particularily difficult to shoot because of the lack of light. Emily and I take everything out of her closet and open up this small hole in her floor which was pretty heavy and climb into this black abyss. There's one lightbulb for this whole little crawlspace and Emily is limited to a dress that's too big so we had to pin up the back with those paper clip things, you know, those big black squares with two random metal pieces sticking out? So this means that her back cannot be showing or else it would look a little silly... The creepy look we were going for was definently acheived in this small hole, but without the flash the shutter was quite slow so stillness was so necissary it was rediculous. By the end of it I was covered in sawdust trying to use myself as a tripod and laying in awkward positions. Overall we both liked the photos and Emily won her competition because of these photos and the Natural photos.

EMILY - Natural

     So above we obviously have the natural photos, which were not only fun to take, but cold and tiring and terrifying for me since I was so horribly scared to drop my uncles camera in the water. He was watching with a keen eye as well. This shoot was tiring because we had to get up at 7 to go hike in to these waterfalls and then I had to take off my pants to make sure they didn't get soaked, and go basically waist high in the water at some points, although I'm glad I wasn't Emily and sitting under the waterfalls and whatnot. These photos are my favorites of her, and she loves them as well. I'm excited to do more photos with her.

EMILY - Vintage

     The theme for this shoot was Vintage, and instead of going for a certain person like we did with my vintage shoot, we went for a vintage look with the modern housewife; cooking some lovely pies and sitting infront of their cute little houses. I particularly love the first photo, I think it's marvelous.