November 26, 2009

EMILY - Unnatural

     These photos were particularily difficult to shoot because of the lack of light. Emily and I take everything out of her closet and open up this small hole in her floor which was pretty heavy and climb into this black abyss. There's one lightbulb for this whole little crawlspace and Emily is limited to a dress that's too big so we had to pin up the back with those paper clip things, you know, those big black squares with two random metal pieces sticking out? So this means that her back cannot be showing or else it would look a little silly... The creepy look we were going for was definently acheived in this small hole, but without the flash the shutter was quite slow so stillness was so necissary it was rediculous. By the end of it I was covered in sawdust trying to use myself as a tripod and laying in awkward positions. Overall we both liked the photos and Emily won her competition because of these photos and the Natural photos.

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